What I read this week - 2024.10.27
A few articles I enjoyed reading this week - 2024.09.27

A few articles I enjoyed reading this past week.
This week's best article is a deeply thoughtful piece from Simon Sarris about how school is not enough for children. As I read through the piece, I nodded in agreement, and overall, this piece applies equally well to all human beings—not just children.

LLM usage in my daily work continues to increase. For more difficult problems, your "prompt engineering" skills are always tested, and this article has a great template for helping you write tests with the latest LLMs from OpenAI and Anthropic.

Monarch is a planet-scale time series database built by Google to monitor their systems. This published paper is a deep dive into its entire design. I particularly like the section on its data model.
The ATProtocol was designed by some brilliant people to power the next generation of decentralized social networking. Their documentation and usage of a SQLite-based system for each unique user is quite intriguing.