A Developers Journey into Machine Learning - Building a Linux desktop for Machine Learning A guide to building a Linux desktop for Machine Learning
Using Docker Machine to provision a remote docker host A guide on how to run your docker containers on a remote host using the docker-machine tool.
Docker for Java Developers - Setting Memory and CPU Limits for your Java applications A look at memory and cpu limits when running java apps inside a container with Docker, Kubernetes, and other container orchestration frameworks
Docker for Java Developers - How the JVM runtime works in a container A brief overview of the things you should about the java runtime when running your java and kotlin apps in a docker container
Kotlin Scuttlebutt Programming Stream - Peer Discovery Learning how the core scuttlebutt protocol works by developing a Scuttlebot library in Kotlin. In this first stream we take a look at peer discovery
Kotlin NIO Programming Stream 4 - Buffering Data Learn how to use the non-blocking IO API's from Java in kotlin. This stream explors how to buffer client data payloads
Kotlin NIO Programming Stream 3 - Selectors and Threads Learn how to use the non-blocking IO API's from Java in kotlin. This stream explores using multiple selectors and threads to read data
Kotlin NIO Programming Stream 2 - SelectionKeys Learn how to use the non-blocking IO API's from Java in kotlin. This stream looks a bit deeper at the SelectionKey API and its attributes
Kotlin NIO Programming Stream 1 - Non-Blocking IO Basics This is the first stream in a series detailing how to use the non-blocking IO framework in Java with Kotlin.